Hundreds of Kittens Have Been Killed for Experiments Funded With Taxpayer Money

One hundred dead kittens a year.

That's the price we are paying for a taxpayer-funded experiment that feeds kittens infected meats and then monitors their response. The kittens barely get a chance at life, as the experiment uses cats that are less than three months old.

According to shocking investigations from WJLA TV and Buzzfeed, the majority of the kittens are perfectly healthy, even after being forced to eat spoiled meat. But after the kittens are no longer considered "useful," lab workers kill them and burn their bodies.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has tried to defend themselves by saying the number of kittens reportedly killed in the tests has been overestimated. But, even if one kitten dies, it is too many. There is something very wrong when the U.S. government is trying to infect poor helpless animals, and then, if by some miracle they survive, they are killed anyway.

The lab conducting the cruel tests is located in Maryland, a state, which just last month, passed the "Beagle Freedom Bill." The law that requires all labs to work with willing animal rescue organizations to find homes for pets once they are no longer needed. The bill also protects cats.

However, the Beagle Freedom Bill may take time to go into effect and these hundreds of kittens need our help today. That's why Care2 is calling on the USDA lab in Beltsville, Maryland to immediately stop euthanizing their kittens and instead rehome them.

Please help us find these kittens a new home. Sign the petition and demand the USDA stop killing these kittens.

Update #25 jaar geleden
Lawmakers have introduced the Kittens in Traumatic Testing Ends Now — or KITTEN — Act this week. Now is our chance to tell Congress we want this cat slaughter to stop. Sign and share this week to keep up the pressure.
Update #16 jaar geleden
Great news! Legislation called Kittens in Traumatic Testing Ends Now Act of 2018 has been introduced. Keep sharing the petition so your representatives know you want them to support it!
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