Town of Warrenton: Allow Growth and Provide Entertainment!

Tired of having nothing to do in Warrenton? Would you like to spend a fun Friday or Saturday night close by with your friends? What if you could find great entertainment right here in town instead of having to drive 20+ minutes to Gainesville, Manassas, or Fairfax?

Here's your opportunity to speak up!

With your help, we could see the construction of:
- entertainment (i.e.: a movie house, bowling alley)
- upscale shopping
- more diverse and exciting dining options
- and mo​re​!​

We shouldn't have to drive so far to find something to do! It's time for Warrenton to catch up with the times. If we continue to spend our dollars in other towns, our town will get left behind. A beautiful town center could be the beginning of a transformation that everyone can be proud of. Let's bring some fun to Warrenton!

Please sign to show your support!

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