The heart-wrenching situation of Spanish greyhound hunting dogs, known as "galgos," urgently demands your attention. Every year in Spain, after just one hunting season, these dogs are subjected to unimaginable cruelty. Once they have served their purpose, they are often starved, thrown into wells, beaten, used as targets for shooting, poisoned, or even hanged alive.
Animal lovers cannot stand by while such suffering persists unchecked. Our mission is to put an end to this abominable treatment of animals. Please stand with us.
The Spanish hunting industry breeds galgos in large numbers and it is cheaper to kill the animals than feed them in the hunting off season. Approximately 50,000 galgos are killed every year, ranking them among the most abused dog breeds in the world.
Dogs deemed as inadequate hunters are subjected to horrific punishments. Many face the chilling "piano dance" - being hanged until they slowly suffocate.
What's even more shocking is that Spanish law does not protect galgos, essentially treating them as mere objects. Please show your disgust for this cruelty by signing our petition addressed to influential members of the Spanish government and the European Union. Your signature will provide hope for these appallingly treated animals.
Join us in this vital mission and show these forsaken dogs the compassion they deserve.
For the animals,
Gloria Davies (and Max and Flora!)
Network for Animals
P.S. The cruelty these poor dogs experience is among the worst abuse we know. Please help end it by signing our petition.