Demand the Australian Government Makes Domestic Violence Refuges More Pet Friendly

  • van: Georgia B
  • ontvanger: Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull

Domestic violence (DV) advocacy groups and animal welfare organisations across Australia are calling for more animal friendly refuges for those escaping DV who have pets, according to a report in

DV campaigners argue that a lack of pet-friendly accommodation means victims often have to reconsider leaving due to not being able to look after or take their pets when they escape.

DV advocates state: "We know that pet ownership is a barrier to leaving for a variety of reasons including concern over the safety of the pet if the pet's safety has been threatened, and concern that the pet might not be cared for if the person leaving is the primary carer."

The safety of individuals, families and pets is a national priority. Will you join me in demanding the Australian Government provides funding to create more pet friendly domestic violence refuges across the country. Please sign and share the petition.

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