TV Stations Worldwide, Please Stop Discriminating against 'The World Vegan Culture'!

  • van: Heather MacGillivray
  • ontvanger: Television Stations Who Broadcast Cooking Shows, in any region of the world where any signatory to this petition lives (as long as the signatory has stated their geographical region/name(s) of their target TV station(s).

This petition is important because it asks TV stations, world wide, to upgrade  their Codes of Practice to ensure

that viewers can make an informed choice EQUALLY, and without a discriminatory bias being presented, between, the broad category choices, of, Animal Product Dishes versus Zero Animal Product/Low Percentage Animal Product Dishes.

p.s. I will also send a snail mail copy of the petition letter, along with a copy   of the online petition signatures once 'a significant number of' online signatures have been obtained. The URL of the online petiton will be included in the snail mail letter. (Of course it will also be sent electronically)

p.p.s. The only way I can know which TV stations to send the petition to WORLDWIDE (important since veganism and vegetarianism IS a world-wide culture, as oposed to many cultures that have a geographical home base), is, if you state when signing which region you are in, or, the actual names (& preferably addresses) of the TV stations you would like to receive this petition. Thanks. signed Heather MacGillivray (Ballarat VIC Australia) 


Dear Television Stations, worldwide,

We, the undersigned, request that the Code of Practice (or equivalent document) of your specific television station be upgraded with a view to ceasing the current prevalent DISCRIMINATION against The (worldwide) Vegan and Vegetarian Culture .. and its local Community in your region, by ensuring:

1.)  that 50% of all cooking shows your television station broadcasts be vegan or vegetarian (featuring experienced and/or qualified vegan/vegetarian chefs or cooks) so that viewers can make an informed choice EQUALLY, and without a discriminatory bias being presented, between, the broad categroy choices, of, Animal Product Dishes versus Zero Animal Product/Low Percentage Animal Product Dishes,


2.) that a warning (of 1-5 minutes duration) be broadcast before all non vegan cooking shows, in the form of either, informing the viewers of the true and graphic nature of the cruelty regularly endured by food-animals, OR, informing the viewers of true and topical efforts being made to improve the lot of food-animals. 


2.)  that a warning be broadcast before all non vegan cooking shows, specifically, a graphic warning about the actual cruelty endured by food-animals  who end up as ingredients such as the ones used in non vegan cooking shows,  OR,  that a mini-documentary (of 1-5 minutes duration, promoting the need for, and/or topical efforts towards achieving, greater compassion for food-animals) be broadcast immediately before or immediately after the non vegan cooking show, seamlessly (i.e., with no commercial break between the mini documentary and the non vegan cooking show.") 

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