Spanish hunter is at the center of a worldwide search after video of his despicable behavior came to light.
The video is short, but images from the two-minute clip will likely stay with you for a lifetime. In it, the hunter dressed in outdoor gear and holding his gun comes upon an injured fox hidden in the underbrush.
He then grabs the fox — which is missing one of its hind legs — and flings it by the tail into the air. The poor creature goes hurling head over tail across the field before it comes to the ground with a thud. But that isn't the end of it.
He then bludgeons it with his gun and stomps on its head trying to crush its skull. When that doesn't work he grinds the heel of his boot, trying to break its neck or crush its windpipe. No one knows at which point the fox actually died but what is for sure, is that the death it experienced was cruel, heartless and unnecessary. To make matters worse, the poor excuse for a human leaves the dead fox there
which suggests that he killed it for no other reason but "fun." His actions were so repulsive that even the Royal Spanish Hunting Federation (RFEC) is asking for this man to be punished.
This individual must be found, Spanish authorities must take his vile behavior seriously and prosecute him to the fullest extent of the law. This person should not be allowed any contact with animals and he definitely should not have a gun.
Please sign the petition and tell Spain's nature protection agency (SEPRONA) to take this crime seriously, find the perpetrator and bring him to justice.