Raise Your Voice on Pennsylvania Oil and Gas Rules
A new study released this past month found a definite link between fracking and water pollution in Pennsylvania. This has proven what we've already known — that fracking can have devastating effects on our health and our communities.
One of the most concerning practices of the fracking industry is the use of open wastewater pits. Toxic wastewater is dumped into open pits where it's free to evaporate and potentially leak into the ground.
The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) has proposed new rules that curtail the use of these open above-ground wastewater pits, and they're currently seeking additional public comments.
Tell the DEP it's time to deal with fracking waste pits! The comment deadline is May 19th, so take action now.
Fracking waste pits are a blight on our communities and our environment. They leak toxic chemicals into our water and poison our air.
I support your proposal to end on-site drilling waste pits, factor schools into the permitting process of fracking sites, and require companies to restore contaminated drinking water sources. And I urge you to go further in protecting communities from fracking by ending all use of massive open air waste pits.
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