The family name of the most notorious slave-owning family in the history of Camden, NJ is plastered on many public places in and about the city of Camden and County. Marmaduke Cooper and his descendants owned a 400 acre Slave Plantation where Parkside residential area stands today. We the undersigned petitioners believe it is a profound insult to the intelligence of Camden's "black" residents for the city to COMMEMORATE the family name of it's most notorious slave-owning family. Marmaduke Cooper was kicked out of the Quaker Friends Society for his adamant refusal to free his slaves following the passage of the Societys' mandate that no Quaker be involved in the slave trade.  We, the undersigned, DEMAND that the Cooper Family Name be STRICKEN from all public property in Camden County and replaced by the names of the 14 known chattel slaves owned by the Cooper Family. We further DEMAND that The Cooper River be renamed "The Harriet Tubman River"; Cooper Hospital be renamed "William Still Hospital" after the Lawnside, NJ Abolitionist; and Cooper Street be renamed "Malcolm X Boulevard." This PETITION shall be presented to Camden, NJ Mayor, Francisco Frank Moran for consideration after a sufficient number of signatures have been obtained.

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