Urge India's Government: Save Endangered Tigers from a New Four-Lane Highway!

  • van: Georgina B.
  • ontvanger: Narendra Modi, Prime Minister of India

A proposed four-lane highway is set to cut through tiger territory in Rajasthan, India, according to a the Hindustan Times.

According to reports, the area currently has 13 endangered tigers, including two full-grown males, seven females, and four cubs. The four-lane highway would put their recovery at risk from car hits, human interference, and increased poaching.

Observers say that two of the tigers frequently cross the area where the highway would be built. The tigers' territories fall on both sides of the current two-lane state highway, part of which will be integrated into a new national highway with two new lanes.

Tigers need every chance to survive. Will you help urge India's Prime Minister and other officials to save the tighers and stop the new four-lane highway?

Please sign and share the petition today!

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