Lost Angel - Gayle Marks - We *will* find you!

  • van: Tracy Grygiel
  • ontvanger: John Walsh, Host, America's Most Wanted
We want AMW to reconsider their denial to show the missing woman Gayle Marks.
I am writing on behalf of a Stockton CA woman who went missing 14 1/2 years ago. Her name is Gayle Marks. Her mother Sue has tried your show as well as, Montel Williams, Unsolved Mysteries, etc. without any help. John Walsh gave her a definite NO to her request for help because lack of "twists and turns" for public entertainment. We didn't even know about Gayle Marks until the Laci case got so much attention. Her mom Sue lashed out ( with very good reason ) in pain as to why she could not get any help for her daughter. I completely agree with her feelings. She has begged for help and everyone of these talk show hosts who proclaim there interest in missing persons has told her NO! As a forum on About.com -- under Crime and Punishment - there is a large number of us -- from all over the world who have 'adopted' Gayle as our own. If it's a twist you need -- here it is -- what started in a chatroom has blossomed into a crusade. http://www.angelfire.com/ca2/GayleMarks
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