Protect Endangered Wildlife: End Conflict Minerals

Gorillas and other wildlife are being killed as a source of food for miners and militia members in conflict zones like the Democratic Republic of the Congo – to the point where Grauer's gorillas were recently listed as critically endangered.

So-called "conflict minerals" mined there are used in common products in the U.S., like phones and jewelry. In 2012, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) took action to protect wildlife and take American consumers out of the business of buying conflict minerals and it’s working. Since then, weapons and violence have been eliminated from 204 mining sites in the DRC. Now, the Administration is talking about pulling the plug on this effective rule that saves wildlife.

American purchasers deserve the continued confidences that when you buy a new phone you aren't contributing to the killing of endangered wildlife.

Send your message loud and clear: I do not want the phones, computers, jewelry, and other products I purchase to come at the price of extinction.
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