Vimos por este meio solicitar uma investigação profunda ao caso dos sete cães desaparecidos nos Salgados e que foram posteriormente encontrados, num tanque desactivado da ETAR de Pêra (Algarve), presumivelmente envenenados e afogados. Todos os animais tinham donos, que procuraram por eles até à exaustão, oferecendo até recompensas a quem os encontrasse. Sabe-se, através da Presidente da Câmara de Silves, que no passado, a vedação também foi forçada inúmeras vezes, sendo que apareceram vinte e sete cães igualmente mortos e ali depositados. Nunca foram apurados responsáveis. É imperioso que desta vez não se deixe cair mais uma repetição deste acto macabro no esquecimento e que se investigue e apure os responsáveis, por uma questão de justiça. Se por um lado pela lei portuguesa os cães são considerados propriedade dos donos, por outro lado alguém é responsável pelo seu desaparecimento e morte. Salientamos ainda a importância da área em causa para o Turismo, quer pelas inúmeras Unidades Hoteleiras de luxo, bem como pela Lagoa dos Salgados - um dos locais de observação de aves mais visitados do Algarve e que atrai milhares de turistas. Este tipo de atitude, não só nos envergonha enquanto cidadãos, como pela imagem que passamos a quem escolhe o nosso País para vir passar férias. Assim, vimos com esta Petição exigir às autoridades competentes a investigação das ilegalidades cometidas bem como o apuramento de responsabilidades criminais. We are requesting a thorough investigation into the case of 6 missing dogs (newspaper says 8 but we know there were 6) in the Salgados area, later found, apparently poisoned and drowned in ETAR´s deactivated water tank of Pera- Algarve. Some of the animal owners have already identified their dogs, as they had been frantically searching for them, even offering rewards for their safe return. It is a known fact that in the past, the fence had been forced many times and at one stage 27 dogs poisoned and also thrown in there. Never were the culprits found or brought to justice. It is unacceptable that this may again be " forgotten" and that those responsible will not be punished for such an evil act. Someone is responsible for these deaths and the fact that Portuguese law still states that an animal is the property of its owner, does not mean that justice must not be done. Furthermore this area is a touristic one, specially due to the many luxury hotels and the Salgados Lagoon - one of the bird watching sites of the Algarve. This type of attitude does not just embarrass us as citizens but also damages our image to the people who chose our country as their holiday destination. With this petition we come to you, to demand that the relevant authorities open an in depth investigation into the illegalities of what took place, so that those responsible may be criminally held responsible.
PETITION re Dogs in Pera... please sign so we can hand it in to MINISTÉRIO PÚBLICO, the only government officials who can demand an investigation... this is what the petition says:
"We are requesting a thorough investigation into the case of 6 missing dogs( newspaper says 8 but we know there were 6)in the Salgados area, later found, apparently poisoned and drowned in ETAR´s deactivated water tank of Pera- Algarve.Some of the animal owners have already identified their dogs, as they had been frantically searching for them, even offering rewards for their safe return.
It is a known fact that in the past,the fence had been forced many times, and at one stage 27 dogs poisoned and also thrown in there.
Never were the culprits found or brought to justice.
It is unacceptable that this may again be " forgotten" and that those responsible will not be punished for such an evil act.
Someone is responsible for these deaths and the fact that Portuguese law still states that an animal is the property of its owner, does not mean that justice must not be done.
Furthermore this area is a touristic one, specially due to the many luxury hotels and the Salgados Lagoon- one of the bird watching sites of the Algarve.
This type of attitude does not just embarrass us as citizens but also damages our image to the people who chose our country as their holiday destination. With this petition we come to you, to demand that the relevant authorities open an in depth investigation into the illegalities of what took place, so that those responsible may be criminally held responsible.
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