EPA: Protect Us Against Methane Pollution

People — including pregnant women and unborn children — are suffering under the burden of increased air pollution as a consequence of natural gas development. The same leaks and flares that spew harmful pollutants into the local air also release the potent greenhouse gas methane.

These communities deserve clean, healthy air — and a healthy planet for our children's future. Fortunately, parents — and grandparents, aunts, uncles, and sisters and brothers — have the power to make that happen. Our voices count.

Tell the EPA that we need national protection against methane pollution from the oil and gas industry.
Dear [decision-maker],

Subject: We need protections from natural gas pollution

We at Moms Clean Air Force support the rights of any community to ban fracking for natural gas.

But many of us live in places where fracking has been going on for years. People — including pregnant women and unborn children — are suffering under the burden of increased air pollution as a consequence of natural gas development. The same leaks and flares that spew harmful pollutants into the local air also release the potent greenhouse gas methane.

These communities deserve clean, healthy air — and a healthy planet for our children's future. That's why I urge you to limit methane pollution from the oil and gas industry.

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[Your name here]
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