Demand the court make Trump pay his ENTIRE $454 million bond!

  • van: OD Action
  • ontvanger: NY appellate court

In a shocking miscarriage of justice, a New York appellate court has agreed to slash Trump's huge $454 million judgment bond, which was supposed to be paid today, to just $175 million and given him ANOTHER ten days in which to pay the fine.

It's another example of how the justice system coddles and accommodates wealthy criminals. Can you imagine anyone else having their fines waved away just because they say they can't pay — after spending months verbally attacking the judge who made the ruling in the first place?

Make Trump pay every cent of his $454 million bond!

To make matters worse, Trump AGAIN attacked Judge Engoron for levelling such a huge fine in the first place. "What he's done is such a disservice and should never be allowed to happen. New York state is being battered by his decision. Judge Engoron is a disgrace to this country," raged Trump.

Trump is making a fool out of our justice system, and he needs to be held accountable. No special treatment for serial criminals, even if they're former presidents who lied about being billionaires!

Demand the court make Trump pay his ENTIRE $454 million bond!

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