Don't let the quests die

Lucas Arts is one of the leading comupter games companies in the world. ately, Lucas Arts, like many other computer games companies, decided to let the curtain fall over one of her status symbols and decided to drop the next game of "Sam and Max". So today, We, the undersigned, ask of Lucas Arts to take the lead again and don't turn back on the quest playing community.
Lucas Arts is one of the leading comupter games companies in the world.
The company became famous mostly for the humorous quests it has brought the computer quest gamer community.
Games like "Sam and Max", "Indiana Jones", "Day of the Tantacle" were the basic quests to every PC user.

In the world of today, most companies have turned their back to quests and quests lover and changed their gaming system to 3d action games and multiplayer games.

Lucas Arts was one of the last hopes for quest lovers, by working on the creation of the game sequel to Sam and Max.

Lately, Lucas Arts, like many other computer games companies, decided to let the curtain fall over one of her status symbols and decided to drop the next game of "Sam and Max".

As told in the press release: "After careful evaluation of current market place realities and underlying economic considerations, we've decided that this was not the appropriate time to launch a graphic adventure on the PC"

So today, We, the undersigned, ask of Lucas Arts to take the lead again and don't turn back on the quest playing community.

We ask Lucas Arts to keep a promise and give us the next game of "Sam and Max" and to give an example to other computer games companies as the company that doesn't let its fans down.

We, the undersigned, wish to "hit the road" once more!
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