Make California's Schools a Priority Again!

Education is our future because children are our future. Without quality schools, our state will lack the skilled workforce needed to grow our economy and create jobs.

Instead of investing in our schools, political leaders have been cutting back. Since 2008, they've cut school budgets by $20 billion. Over 40,000 educators have been laid off, and California now has the largest class sizes in the nation.

We are shortchanging our children - and they deserve better.

Fortunately, this November there is Proposition 38, a ballot measure that provides guaranteed funding to restore a well-rounded education and improve educational outcomes.

Prop 38 raises $10 billion annually for California schools. It collects the money in a trust fund that the legislature and governor can't touch and sends the money directly on a per child basis to every school in California - eliminating politics and empowering parents.

Help make California's schools a priority again by supporting Prop 38 this November.
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