Resist Trump's Pro-Polluter Agenda

With the Trump administration stepping up its anti-environment attacks, the stakes could not be higher for our climate, our natural heritage, and our future. But with a pro-environment majority taking over the House of Representatives and a groundswell of grassroots opposition to President Trump's destructive agenda, the momentum is on our side — we just have to seize it.

Sign this petition to send President Trump a message that you will resist his pro-polluter agenda. We need to make it loud and clear that we're holding him accountable, and we'll do everything we can to disrupt, discredit, and derail his reckless agenda.

Subject line: We will stop your pro-polluter agenda

Dear President Trump:

For two years, you and your administration have waged the most sweeping and destructive assault on the environment and public health in the history of our nation. Your administration has repeatedly betrayed the public trust by dismissing the urgent threat of climate change, sacrificing our natural heritage for corporate plunder, and dismantling the safeguards that protect our clean air and water.

Today I join with millions of my fellow Americans to put you on notice: The outrage that swept a new, pro-environment majority into the House of Representatives is only getting stronger. I pledge to you that I will do everything in my power in 2019 to disrupt, discredit, and derail your reckless, pro-polluter agenda. Above all, I will continue to stand with NRDC — in and out of court — to hold you and your administration fully accountable to the rule of law and to save our environment from your unconscionable policies.

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