Urge the Government to Protect Seagrass Meadows to Help Preserve Sea-Life and Mitigate Climate Change

  • van: Georgina B.
  • ontvanger: Environment Minister, Greg Hunt

A study has found that damage by humans to seagrass meadows leads to the release of ancient carbon stores, according to a report on ABC.net.au

Seagrass meadows act as an important nursery ground for juvenile fish, they also cycle nutrients, stabilise coastlines and help to prevent erosion. The beds also store carbon much faster and for much longer than tropical rainforests.

Australian researchers have been studying sea grass meadows in Jervis Bay that had been disturbed by seismic testing in the 1960s.

According to the report: "The researchers found that in the area that had been disturbed, there had been a 72 per cent decline in the amount of organic carbon. The findings suggest protecting and restoring seagrass meadows could be an important strategy in mitigating climate change."

Seagrass beds must be protected. Will you join me in urging the government to act to protect and restore seagrass meadows for the preservation of sea-life and to help mitigate climate change?

Please sign and share the petition.

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