Restore Utah Police Pensions

Recruitment and retention of law enforcement officers is a major problem across Utah, with an estimated 600 open positions, according to Tom Ross, president of the Utah Chiefs of Police Association.

One major contributing factor is the reduction in pensions as a result of the Tier 2 public safety retirement program. That's the less lucrative retirement system the Legislature created in 2010.

This pledge backs a new bill that aims to restore police pensions to the pre-2009 Tier 1 level with the hope that restoration would increase police recruitment, retention and morale.

-KSL's Dave & Dujanovic

Update #26 jaar geleden
S.B. 129, the bill to improve police pensions, has passed through the House and is awaiting Gov. Gary Herbert's signature!

KSL's Dave & Dujanovic would like to extend a heartfelt thanks to everyone who signed the #PayOurPolice pledge and helped make this happen!
Update #16 jaar geleden
Thanks to you - we have almost 4,000 signatures! We will be broadcasting live from Capitol Hill on Monday from the historic chambers for the opening day of the legislature. Wouldn't it be amazing if we could show our lawmakers that we already had 10,000 people sign this pledge? Please SHARE with your friends and family and help us reach our goal this weekend!

-Dave & Dujanovic
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