End the Financial Irresponsibility of the War in Iraq

Donald Rumsfeld, in 2003, estimated that the cost of the war in Iraq would be $50 billion. Five years and more than $500 billion later, Iraq has turned into a sinkhole for American taxpayers. In fact, recent analysis indicates that the true cost of the war could easily top $1-2 trillion dollars!

That's more than any other war, except for World War II. Just think -- the war in Iraq has been more expensive than the anticipated cost of the U.S. implementing the Kyoto Protocol to control greenhouse gases ($300 billion).

Countless lives lost and massive fiscal irresponsibility to boot -- the entire affair has been one debacle after another. Demand that the U.S. better use its resources and return its troops home.
The war in Iraq has proved far too costly and not just in terms of lives lost. In fact, recent analysis indicates that the true financial cost of the war could easily top $1-2 trillion dollars! That will make it the second most expensive war in the history of the United States.

The yearly cost of the war has doubled since the 2003 appropriation of $74 billion, which the Bush administration expected to be the total cost of the war. And these estimates don't necessarily account for all the potential expenses, including

* disability pay and health care costs of Iraqi war veterans for several decades;
* replacing worn or destroyed military equipment and resettling the armed forces; and
* paying interest on the debt used to finance the war.

[Your Comment]

To date, the war has cost $341.4 million per day. Worse, thousands of lives have been thrown away in a misguided, high-handed venture of the Bush Administration. I urge you to help the U.S. use its resources better and more importantly, bring our troops home.
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