We Can't Continue to Delay the Repeal of SGR - Congress Should Act Now!
"I am having trouble finding new doctors for my 85 year old mother right now. It will be nearly impossible if the cuts go through."
-- Lisa S. (Austin, TX)
For the past 10 years, Congress has been passing temporary patches to the flawed Medicare sustainable growth rate (SGR) formula, and with each new patch, patients become more uncertain about the future stability of Medicare.
The sustainable growth rate (SGR) formula is an enormous impediment to successful health care delivery and payment reforms that can improve the quality of patient care through a 21st century approach. The Congressional Budget Office now estimates the cost to repeal the SGR to be about half of what it was last year. Now is the perfect opportunity for Congress to find a permanent solution.
Tell Congress that they need to keep patients in mind and repeal the SGR!
I am writing to you as a constituent who is extremely worried about the future of Medicare and how my family could be affected.
With the sustainable growth rate (SGR) formula still in place, there is the persistent threat of cuts to Medicare physician reimbursements rates, and with that comes uncertainty over continued access to care.
The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) now estimates that the cost of repealing the SGR is about half of what it was in 2012.
With another steep SGR payment cut scheduled for January 1, 2014, Congress needs to act before it’s too late and repeal the flawed SGR formula now.
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