Support Fair Wages Through Minimum Wage Indexing

We believe that indexing the minimum wage is not only an economic necessity but also a moral imperative. It reflects our county's commitment to fairness, justice, and the well-being of all its residents.

We are urging the Prince George's County Council to demonstrate leadership and vision by supporting the bill to index the minimum wage. Together, let's build a future where every worker in Prince George's County is valued and compensated fairly for their contributions to our community.

Please join us in this critical effort to ensure economic justice and a thriving community for all by signing the below petition to show your support for fair wages and a just economy in Prince George's County. By adding your name, you are adding your voice to a growing movement dedicated to creating a fairer and more equitable future for all residents of Prince George's County.
Dear Councilmember Jolene Ivey and the Prince George's County Council,

We, the undersigned residents of Prince George's County, urge you to take decisive action in support of economic justice and community prosperity by passing the legislation to index the minimum wage to inflation. As our county continues to grow, all workers must share in this prosperity through fair and equitable compensation.

Why Indexing the Minimum Wage Matters:

1. Economic Fairness: Indexing ensures that wages keep pace with the rising cost of living, allowing workers to afford basic necessities such as housing, healthcare, food, and education. It is a fundamental step towards ensuring that hard work is rewarded with fair pay. Both the District of Columbia and Montgomery County, MD index their minimum wage like this bill would for Prince George's County.
2. Stability for Working Families: By tying wages to inflation, families can enjoy greater financial stability and plan for the future without the fear of economic shocks. This protection is crucial as the cost of living continues to rise.
3. Advancing Racial Equity: Black and Latino workers, who are disproportionately represented in low-wage jobs, will benefit significantly from wage indexing. This policy helps close the racial wage gap and addresses longstanding economic disparities.
4. Economic and Community Benefits: Fair wages empower workers to spend more within our local economy, boosting small businesses and fostering job creation. A well-compensated workforce strengthens community ties and enhances the overall quality of life for all residents.

We believe that indexing the minimum wage is not only an economic necessity but also a moral imperative. It reflects our county's commitment to fairness, justice, and the well-being of all its residents. We are urging you to demonstrate leadership and vision by supporting the bill to index the minimum wage. Together, let's build a future where every worker in Prince George's County is valued and compensated fairly for their contributions to our community.

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