stop airing/streaming The Cosby Show or A Different World or anything directed by Woody Allen, Roman Polanski, or Luc Besson

  • van: Brandon Juhl
  • ontvanger: TV One and Urban One and Netflix

TV One continues to show episodes of The Cosby Show; Netflix continues to stream episodes of A Different World. Every time either show is rerun or is streamed, Bill Cosby, who was convicted of rape, continues to earn residuals. It also promotes him and tries to make his legacy be about entertainment rather than about his being a serial sexual predator. No network or streaming platform should help further enrich convicted sexual predator Bill Cosby. Also, Woody Allen, whose sexual predations are now well-known, continues to earn residuals when his films are streamed. Netflix should stop streaming his films, as well as the films of known sexual predators Roman Polanski and Luc Besson.

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