Let’s show the majority of us support refugees

Despite how it may appear on social media or in the news sometimes, most of us support refugees.

When surveyed, 84% of the British public agree that people should be able to take refuge in other countries, including Great Britain, to escape from war and persecution.*

Together let's acknowledge this compassion and solidarity.

At UK for UNHCR, we're part of a global community showing compassion for refugees. The antidote to anti-refugee sentiment is solidarity – and when we all stand together, we can be a powerful force for kindness.

Show you stand with the rights of people fleeing conflict and persecution. Sign the pledge of solidarity to show you support refugees around the world.

*The question "Do you agree that people should be able to take refuge in other countries, including in Great Britain, to escape from war or persecution?" was asked of a representative sample of 1,000 adults in an Ipsos Survey (June 2023). 84% agreed."
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