Let's help this North Carolina animal shelter

  • van: Michelle R
  • ontvanger: North Carolina woman who saved animals

This lady in North Carolina started her own shelter but did not have a license to do so but it was saving and helping all the animals that got left behind in flood waters from the hurricane's in North Carolina. She was arrested now for saving these animals only because she did not have a license. Now these animals have been taken to an animal shelter and may be put to sleep now all over a piece of paper when we could save these animals so to me taking her to jail and taking the animals to the shelters to be killed if they don't find a home is animal cruelty which I don't believe in these animals needed help and she had the heart to help but you want to hurt these animals and her to over a piece of paper. Now it is going to cost her more money to pay lawyer and shelter and a piece of paper for a license and to pay to get these animals out of the shelters before it's too late and they maybe murdered if not rehomed. So where's the justice in that.

Update #16 jaar geleden
We have 152 signed out of 1000 we need alot more signatures let's do this guys.
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