Tranquilize, Don't Kill Escaped Lions!

  • ontvanger: Wildlife Rangers at South Africa's Kruger's Park

Four lions have escaped from South Africa's main wildlife park, Krugers. They have been loose for a few days now and wildlife rangers are looking for them. But when they are found, we must ensure they are only tranquilized and returned to the park, not shot and killed!

Sign the petition to tell the park rangers they must be properly equipped to tranquilize the lions and that killing the lions is unacceptable.

The lions do pose a risk to local livestock and people, as they are predators by nature. But when they are found, transquilizing them will do the trick to sedate them and bring them home. We just need to be sure they are not killed instead! The lions have almost 8000 miles of land at the park where they can roam free and happy.

Speak now to protect the escaped lions and support their safe return to their home in Kruger Park!
Update #17 jaar geleden
Update: a farmer killed one lion and injured another. Then the authorities euthanized the injured lion and killed the third for no reason! Only three lions escaped, not four as previously reported. There was no reason to kill rather than tranquilize the third lion involved and we are horrified at this choice!
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