Demand Coyote Protection in Minnesota, Now!

Last night, my neighbor trapped a coyote and then shot it, and about 30 minutes later shot another one.

My son and I heard the horrific cries of this desperate animal clinging to its final breaths of life while its pack cried and whined for it. It was the worst haunting sounds I have ever heard in my life.

These beautiful packs of coyotes were here long before my neighbor moved out here. I've raised chickens, turkeys, ducks, and children around the packs and there has never been a reason warranted to harm one of these gorgeous animals. My neighbor has her horses in electrified fences and the coyotes can't get to them. This was clearly a senseless killing of two animals that she did and a cowardly way she did it.

The law states that you cannot kill coyotes for a 1/2 hour before sunrise or sunset, but her killing occurred well over an hour after sunset. When cops were called, they stated "she has the right to protect her livestock". Even livestock behind electric fences? I think NOT!

This was senseless murder of innocent animals who are just roaming their normal territory. We need laws to change in Minnesota to balance the protection of these animals, as they currently have no laws to protect them at all. It is currently set up as "open season" for all Coyotes.

Once the goal has been reached in signatures, this petition will be sent to every single lawmaker/representative in the entire state of MN. We have the opportunity to be the voice they need so that this never happens again! I would love the assistance of larger Animal Rights groups to help the push for protection!

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