Penalize Longview Men For Mistreatment And Neglect of 37 Dogs At Their Puppy Mill!

  • van: Slava Radakovic
  • ontvanger: Longview City Animal Control, Police Chief Don Dingler, Carl Dorrough, District Attorney

SPCA of Texas has rescued 37 dogs from a puppy mill from Gilmer, Texas. The animals were living in barbaric, inhumane and filthy conditions. Three dogs were found on that site deceased and were stuffed into bags. One pup had been decapitated. Injuries are consistent with dog fighting. Another 18 were also found on the property in a single family trailer. Another 4 pups were being kept in a bathtub immersed with feces and urine. A Cocker spaniel was found in a closet and a shih tzu in serious condition was found in a back room. An additional 19 dogs were also found inside a nearby shed living in horrid conditions. We demand Jeremy Delton Reddin, 36 and Byron Cleo Hobson, 38 are slapped with the harshes penalty possible!

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