It's time to stop the Corporate grab


The Trans-Pacific Partnership has been negotiated almost entirely in secret, but there have been some leaks that let us get a glimpse into the deal.

Here are some of the things we know the TPP would do:
- Let fossil fuel companies sue governments who pass laws that infringe on their profits;
- Delay access to low-cost generic medicines by lengthening patent terms;
- Make it nearly impossible to ban risky financial schemes like those that crashed the global economy;
- Incentivize a race to the bottom for workers in every TPP country;
- Include countries like Malaysia and Brunei, which are notorious human rights abusers;
- Punish Internet users who link to copyrighted content;
- and so much more we don’t know yet!

Update #19 jaar geleden
Hi everyone,

Thanks so much for signing this petition. Can you please share the link through Facebook and email. Lets get this out!!

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