Demand Prosecution of Man Caught on Videotape Punching Family Dog a Dozen Times for Licking His Hand

A dog was reportedly punched a dozen times for licking a man's hand. A family dog named Scooby was allegedly punched a dozen times by his caretaker's adult stepson, merely for licking the suspect's hand. Another stepson who lived at the site of the reported incident claims he heard Scooby yelping and whimpering in pain. Upon investigation, the witness reported seeing the suspect, Dennis Zamora, striking Scooby repeatedly as the dog lay on his back, defenseless and submissive.

Zamora's stepfather called authorities after he found Scooby cowering and hiding in his back yard. While Zamora said the dog bit him, a surveillance video on the property apparently refutes his claim. In the video, Scooby's big offense was seemingly daring to lick Zamora's hand. Zamora has since been charged with animal cruelty.

Sign the petition below to demand this accused animal abuser answer for his crimes, if found guilty.
Target: Jaime Espanza, District Attorney of El Paso County, Texas
Goal: Seek maximum punishment for man who allegedly punched defenseless dog 12 times.

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