• van: ron chesney
  • ontvanger: The Rt. Hon. Michael Gove, Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

Hunting with dogs was banned in the UK by the Labour government in 2004, known as Hunting Act 2004. It is the law which bans chasing wild mammals with dogs in England and Wales – this basically means that fox hunting, deer hunting, hare hunting, hare coursing and mink hunting are all illegal, as they all are cruel sports based on dogs chasing wild mammals.

It has been flagrantly and blatantly abused by the privileged elite and the Countryside Alliance that have shown contempt for the law. They hunt, unhindered and with no mercy. They often threaten and attack 'observers ('hunt sabs') both injuring them and damaging recording devices.

The police appear to be in cahoots with the 'hunters' with arrests of 'observers' being made, citing Public Order Offences. 'Observers' face harassment from both the 'hunters' and the police. Evidence of hunting law-breaking is ignored by the police. They can't or won't enforce the law according to their Oath of Office.

Over the Christmas period, many acts of fox-killing by 'hunters has occurred, as are acts of violence toward the 'observers' by riders and terrier men. They do so without fear-of-reproach and with impunity. It's almost as if there is a conspiracy between the police and hunting lobby.

It is time to end the cosy affiliation between both camps and for the government to force the police to enforce the ban on hunting with hounds. No hunt should be allowed to assemble under the pretext of the euphemism 'drag' or 'trail' hunting. No person should dress-up in archaic attire, saddle-up and ride with hounds, accompanied by terrier men with shovels and iron bars.

The law has to be applied forthwith and I call for the police to use the powers that the government has mandated and been ratified by the judiciary. The time is now, the public has had enough of the sneering elite, cocking-a-snoot at the law.


Now, more than ever, we need to put a stop to this outdated, barbaric 'leisure-pursuit!' There is, at present (via information supplied by 'hunt sabs') a flurry of illegal hunting carried out by the various hunts. Despite evidence given to police concerning the activities of the criminal horse gangs and the killing of foxes and hounds (unfortunately killed by train and obstacles), the outcome is ''lack of evidence.''

The cosy relationship between the police, the CPS and the hunts has to be brought to an end. It can't be right that the privileged elite can openly flout the law, sneering and mocking and assaulting the anti-hunting protesters, knowing full well that they can kill foxes, cats, dogs, badgers, deer, illegally, with impunity, enjoying the protection of those that are meant to enforce the law. It may be that a civil action has to be brought against the government for failing to ensure that the law is upheld. The law in this country is for all, not for those that can buy it to advance their propensities for wanton, sadistic pleasure.

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