(Southern District of New York)
We the people of New York State and the United States of America respectfully request of you to exercise the power vested in you by the President of the United States of America to:
• Initiate an immediate moratorium; launch a full investigation into the outrageous, long time occurring atrocities being committed against the animals entrusted into the care of the New York City Animal Care & Control (Manhattan, Brooklyn, Staten Island Shelters) and to hold each and every entity accountable for criminal activity and negligence as to be discovered.
• Furthermore, we respectfully request as part of your investigation that you appeal to your offices to question each and every past or present employee, volunteer, agent, rescue worker; and anyone else that may have firsthand knowledge of the crimes being committed against our companion animals at the NYC ACC Shelters.
• Also, to assure each and every person coming forward, exercising their first amendment right; can speak to you under absolute guaranteed anonymity about the atrocities being committed at these shelters.
The People of NYC
The People of NYS
The People of the United States of America
Perhaps we should start from the beginning. Behind the glitz and glamour of NYC, in the shadows lies an immense tragedy. Thousands of our companion animals are being exterminated daily by New York City Animal Care & Control, 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, paid for with tax payers money. The NYC ACC has fallen short of their mission statement: "To promote and protect the health, safety and welfare of pets and people in NYC". This mission statement is a blatant lie and nothing can be farther from the truth. This organization has a turbulent history of mismanagement, and incompetence. A board of director's stacked with the Mayor's appointee's.
• http://www.shelterreform.org/NYCShelterHistory.html (A HISTORY OF NEW YORK CITY’S ANIMAL SHELTER SYSTEM)
January 2013, Manhattan Borough President Scott Stringer released a compelling report entitled “Led Astray: Reforming New York City’s Animal Care & Control,”, that documents shocking failures in the AC&C’s performance and calls for financial and managerial reforms of the not-for-profit organization. The ASPCA's Director of Medicine for Adoption Center testified in 2011 that there is nearly "100 percent outbreak rate of infection" among animals that the ASPCA receives from the NYC ACC shelters.
• http://www.nyc.gov/html/mancb3/downloads/calendar/2013/ACC%20Reform%20BB%20Reso%201.17.pdf (MANHATTAN BOROUGH BOARD RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF RESTRUCTERING NYC ACC)
• http://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/928513 (SCOTT STRINGER, PROTECTING NEW YORK'S ANIMALS)
A simple search on any internet search engine, "NYC ACC deplorable conditions or abuse" will render hundreds of returns (see below). The fact remains that every single day healthy, adoptable, treatable dogs and cats (including puppies, kittens, late stage pregnant females and their aborted babies) are being exterminated in record numbers. Many for easily treatable conditions such as kennel cough and any other reason the NYCACC may see fit. Many animals are started on a 10 day course of antibiotics and then killed before they finish the course. The NYC ACC has a well documented history of killing these animals despite these animal having rescues, disregarding the 48 hour hold period and blaming this on "mistakes", "computer glitches" and most recently "fake holds". Unsuspecting New Yorkers are continuing to surrender their animals and do not seem to understand that their animals can be euthanized upon intake. There is no hold period, only strays get a 72 hr hold-which can be waived if the animals is aggressive, sick, or contagious. The diverted surrender programs and other safety net programs and services that the ACC claims to have are not being utilized or are nonexistent.
A well documented fact is that animals are living in deplorable conditions, inadequate HVAC ventilation systems in these rundown outdated buildings, disease rampant, substandard vet care. Animals subjected to mistreatment, neglect, abuse and left to languish in pain. (see links below)
Volunteers, employees and the New Hope approved rescues sign confidentiality agreements, are forbidden to speak out about abuse they witness in fear of severe penalty and backlash. NYC ACC Executive Director Risa Weinstock (who is also an Attorney) has this area covered well. Many rescues wanting to save these animals apply for new hope approval through the Mayor's Alliance office and wait years for an answer, and in some cases are being ignored completely!
Here's just a few examples of the hundreds, if not thousands of animals entrusted to the NYC ACC , that were killed despite rescue efforts, or were left to languish, suffer and die in pain.
LADY {dog} NYC ACC #A1027582 Killed 02/21/15 (see Article Link Below)
REMY {dog} NYC ACC #A1027512, Killed 02/25/15 (see Article Link Below)
BANDIT {dog} NYC ACC #A1027580 Killed 02/19/15
BLUE {dog} NYC ACC #A1027188 Killed 02/21/15
KINTARO {dog} NYC ACC # A1030750 Killed 03/27/15
CHARD (dog) (killed)
DAISY {cat} NYC ACC #A1012439, Killed 08/30/14 (see Article Link Below)
WORO {dog} NYC ACC #A0998240 Killed 02/28/14
POPEYE {dog} NYC ACC #A1017697 Killed 10/25/14
KARINA {dog} NYC ACC #A1022477 Killed (date unknown at this time)
MARHSAL {dog} NYC ACC # A1020964 Killed (date unknown at this time)
HERCULES {dog} NYC ACC #A0957867 Killed 03/01/13
JACKIE {dog} NYC ACC # A1015283 Killed 09/29/14 (see Article Below)
FRISBEE {cat} NYC ACC # A1027541 Abuse (saved , rubber band wrapped around tongue)
STARSKY{dog} NYC ACC # A0998240 Abuse (denied vet care, died despite rescue effort )
KEIDITH (dog) (abused, killed)
DIAMOND (dog) (Killed)
POPPY (dog) (abused, killed)
• http://www.examiner.com/article/nyc-animal-care-and-control-is-not-the-aspca
• http://7online.com/archive/7806635/ (Eyewitness News Investigation)
• http://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/Cats-Set-to-be-Adopted-Died-Because-of-Computer-Glitch-Report-162529036.html
• http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=asQX9_9xk2M (Volunteer Speaks at ACC Board Meet)
• http://johnsibley.com/2012/06/24/nycacc-killing-without-apology-pt-1/
• https://kateriviello.wordpress.com/2014/10/05/first-ever-criminal-complaint-filed-against-animal-care-control-ny/ (JACKIE)
• http://observer.com/2013/05/animal-care-volunteers-bite-back/
• http://www.examiner.com/article/senior-cat-killed-by-new-york-city-animal-control-despite-rescuer-s-efforts (DAISY)
• http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/family-devastated-animal-care-control-euthanizes-beloved-dog-article-1.360627
• http://nypost.com/2014/10/05/animal-care-and-control-botching-surgeries-med-care-vets/
• http://nypost.com/2012/07/15/shelter-computer-death-sentence/
• http://nypost.com/2015/03/22/shelter-dogs-being-euthanized-despite-having-owners-lined-up/ (REMY , LADY)
• https://yesbiscuit.wordpress.com/2015/03/24/nyc-shelters-killing-animals-people-are-trying-to-save/
• http://7online.com/archive/7850291/ (Face Book Campaign)
• http://www.animalalliancenyc.org/media/ootc/2011-04/help.htm
• http://www.nathanwinograd.com/?p=6086 (The Anatomy of a Lie June 2, 2011 by Nathan J. Winograd)
• http://www.onegreenplanet.org/animalsandnature/her-name-is-kinchi-an-awakening-to-nycs-forgotten-animals/ (New York City's Dirty Little Secret)
The NYC Dept of Health, responsible for oversight of the NYC ACC Shelters was ordered 15 years ago to build much needed full service shelters in the Bronx and Queens (combined population of 3.72 million), but failed to do so, the animals suffer, and the killing of adoptable animals continues daily. A law enacted more than 10 years ago requires the city to have full-service animal shelters in all boroughs; but it has still failed to build full service shelters in the Bronx and Queens.
• http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/queens/court-ruling-setback-new-york-city-animal-shelter-backers-article-1.113137
• http://www.qgazette.com/news/2015-03-04/Features/Vallones_Bill_For_FullService_Animal_Shelter_In_Qu.html
According to an article published by Maddies Fund in 2003, entitled, "In The Beginning", an interview with Jane Hoffman, President of the Mayor's Alliance, Hoffman states "In December 2002, City Hall and the Mayor's Alliance signed a historic Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). The goal is to create a no-kill city by the year 2008". Fast forward to 2015 and "no- kill" is still no ware in sight, and the killing and incompetence still continues.
• http://www.maddiesfund.org/in-the-beginning-jane-hoffman.htm
The present leadership in NYC (Bill De Blasio), acknowledged the crisis at the NYC ACC, ran on campaign promises of "shelter reform and restructure", promises that he has not fulfilled to date. We should also let it be known that his offices refuse to acknowledge the cries and the pleas of the people of NYC, NYS, the Nation as well as the World, as he continues to ignore this ever worsening crisis.
• http://nypost.com/2014/11/10/cat-lovers-demanding-de-blasio-stops-shelters-from-killing-strays/
• http://shelterreform.org/blog1/2015/02/06/whats-the-buzz-at-nycs-animal-care-control-report-on-the-jan-23-2015-acc-board-meeting/
Of grave concern - is the appointment of Dr. Hara Levin, on January 11, 2014 as Chief Medical Director, with her questionable past history of extensive experience working with research laboratories as a vivisectionist, as well as the past Director of Veterinary Services for the Associated Humane of Newark, NJ (a group of some of the most infamously corrupt shelters in our nation's history).
• http://johnsibley.com/2014/01/11/nycaccs-curious-choice-of-a-medical-director/
The exact method of euthanasia being used at the NYC ACC facilities and exactly who is responsible for administration of these procedures is all very questionable and needs to be fully investigated. According to the American Veterinary Medical Foundation, NYS Code, Mckinney's Consolidated Laws of New York Chapter 69;Article 26, Section 374, NYS Regulation Compilation of Codes, Rules and Regulations of the State of New York 10 NYCRR 80.2 (a)(6) and 80.134. Injection of sodium pentobarbital or sodium pentobarbital solution "must be performed only upon animals that are heavily sedated, anesthetized, or comatose". Intracardiac injection without sedation, anesthesia, or comatose is not allowed where animals are under the care of duly incorporated SPCA, animal shelter, humane society or pound.
• https://www.avma.org/KB/Policies/Documents/euthanasia.pdf
• https://www.avma.org/Advocacy/StateAndLocal/Documents/Euthanasia_Laws.pdf (page 20-21)
• https://www.avma.org/Advocacy/StateAndLocal/Pages/euthanasia-laws.aspx
"Face Book Campaign To Save Animals Set To Die"
EYEWITTENSS NEWS, December 17, 2010 2:23:42 PM PST
By Sarah Wallace
An underground Facebook movement is trying to save animals scheduled to die. An Eyewitness News investigation has been looking into conditions at the City-contracted shelter system, Animal Care and Control. The city's Department of Health, which oversees Animal Care and Control, recently slashed the budget by hundreds of thousands of dollars. Eyewitness News' investigation shows that services and staff have been so severely cut that many animals that are adoptable are being killed.
Advocates are now taking matters into their own hands. "Who's dying here? Good dogs are dying," Kay Smith said. Kay Smith started the underground Facebook page, "Urgent Part 2", in a desperate act to try and save dogs scheduled to die in the City's Animal shelter system. "Last week there was 14 dogs in one day," Smith said.
Animal Care and Control, a non-profit charity contracted by New York City's Department of Health to run three shelters, forbids workers and volunteers from publicly posting information about any animals on the shelter's daily euthanasia list. "They don't want people to know these dogs are being destroyed ever," Smith said. That list goes out nightly only to authorized rescue groups who are overburdened. They have until 6 a.m. the next morning to pull animals out, but they can only do so much. "There are so many dogs who are adoptable," Smith said.
Many of the animals on the euthanasia list are set to die because they supposedly have tempers or are sick, no matter they often come into the shelter healthy and get upper respiratory illnesses from the overcrowded dirty conditions. "Every piece of information I get for my website comes from the emails we get from the AC&C. It's a cut and paste job," Smith said, "What I'm doing on Facebook, they should be doing. "AC&C says it's working on social networking, but it's already cut staff and services, including a call center so people can inquire about adopting. Animal Advocate Esther Koslow blames the city's health department. "The DOH doesn't care about the care of animals, it only cares about control and that's not what the AC&C needs," Koslow said.
• http://7online.com/archive/7850291/
• https://m.facebook.com/PetsOnDeathRow/posts/848547048490462 (Ony's Story)
(Southern District of New York)
We the people of New York State and the United States of America respectfully request of you to exercise the power vested in you by the President of the United States of America to:
• Initiate an immediate moratorium; launch a full investigation into the outrageous, long time occurring atrocities being committed against the animals entrusted into the care of the New York City Animal Care & Control (Manhattan, Brooklyn, Staten Island Shelters) and to hold each and every entity accountable for criminal activity and negligence as to be discovered.
• Furthermore, we respectfully request as part of your investigation that you appeal to your offices to question each and every past or present employee, volunteer, agent, rescue worker; and anyone else that may have firsthand knowledge of the crimes being committed against our companion animals at the NYC ACC Shelters.
• Also, to assure each and every person coming forward, exercising their first amendment right; can speak to you under absolute guaranteed anonymity about the atrocities being committed at these shelters.
The People of NYC
The People of NYS
The People of the United States of America
Perhaps we should start from the beginning. Behind the glitz and glamour of NYC, in the shadows lies an immense tragedy. Thousands of our companion animals are being exterminated daily by New York City Animal Care & Control, 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, paid for with tax payers money. The NYC ACC has fallen short of their mission statement: "To promote and protect the health, safety and welfare of pets and people in NYC". This mission statement is a blatant lie and nothing can be farther from the truth. This organization has a turbulent history of mismanagement, and incompetence. A board of director's stacked with the Mayor's appointee's.
• http://www.shelterreform.org/NYCShelterHistory.html (A HISTORY OF NEW YORK CITY’S ANIMAL SHELTER SYSTEM)
January 2013, Manhattan Borough President Scott Stringer released a compelling report entitled “Led Astray: Reforming New York City’s Animal Care & Control,”, that documents shocking failures in the AC&C’s performance and calls for financial and managerial reforms of the not-for-profit organization. The ASPCA's Director of Medicine for Adoption Center testified in 2011 that there is nearly "100 percent outbreak rate of infection" among animals that the ASPCA receives from the NYC ACC shelters.
• http://www.nyc.gov/html/mancb3/downloads/calendar/2013/ACC%20Reform%20BB%20Reso%201.17.pdf (MANHATTAN BOROUGH BOARD RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF RESTRUCTERING NYC ACC)
• http://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/928513 (SCOTT STRINGER, PROTECTING NEW YORK'S ANIMALS)
A simple search on any internet search engine, "NYC ACC deplorable conditions or abuse" will render hundreds of returns (see below). The fact remains that every single day healthy, adoptable, treatable dogs and cats (including puppies, kittens, late stage pregnant females and their aborted babies) are being exterminated in record numbers. Many for easily treatable conditions such as kennel cough and any other reason the NYCACC may see fit. Many animals are started on a 10 day course of antibiotics and then killed before they finish the course. The NYC ACC has a well documented history of killing these animals despite these animal having rescues, disregarding the 48 hour hold period and blaming this on "mistakes", "computer glitches" and most recently "fake holds". Unsuspecting New Yorkers are continuing to surrender their animals and do not seem to understand that their animals can be euthanized upon intake. There is no hold period, only strays get a 72 hr hold-which can be waived if the animals is aggressive, sick, or contagious. The diverted surrender programs and other safety net programs and services that the ACC claims to have are not being utilized or are nonexistent.
A well documented fact is that animals are living in deplorable conditions, inadequate HVAC ventilation systems in these rundown outdated buildings, disease rampant, substandard vet care. Animals subjected to mistreatment, neglect, abuse and left to languish in pain. (see links below)
Volunteers, employees and the New Hope approved rescues sign confidentiality agreements, are forbidden to speak out about abuse they witness in fear of severe penalty and backlash. NYC ACC Executive Director Risa Weinstock (who is also an Attorney) has this area covered well. Many rescues wanting to save these animals apply for new hope approval through the Mayor's Alliance office and wait years for an answer, and in some cases are being ignored completely!
Here's just a few examples of the hundreds, if not thousands of animals entrusted to the NYC ACC , that were killed despite rescue efforts, or were left to languish, suffer and die in pain.
LADY {dog} NYC ACC #A1027582 Killed 02/21/15 (see Article Link Below)
REMY {dog} NYC ACC #A1027512, Killed 02/25/15 (see Article Link Below)
BANDIT {dog} NYC ACC #A1027580 Killed 02/19/15
BLUE {dog} NYC ACC #A1027188 Killed 02/21/15
KINTARO {dog} NYC ACC # A1030750 Killed 03/27/15
CHARD (dog) (killed)
DAISY {cat} NYC ACC #A1012439, Killed 08/30/14 (see Article Link Below)
WORO {dog} NYC ACC #A0998240 Killed 02/28/14
POPEYE {dog} NYC ACC #A1017697 Killed 10/25/14
KARINA {dog} NYC ACC #A1022477 Killed (date unknown at this time)
MARHSAL {dog} NYC ACC # A1020964 Killed (date unknown at this time)
HERCULES {dog} NYC ACC #A0957867 Killed 03/01/13
JACKIE {dog} NYC ACC # A1015283 Killed 09/29/14 (see Article Below)
FRISBEE {cat} NYC ACC # A1027541 Abuse (saved , rubber band wrapped around tongue)
STARSKY{dog} NYC ACC # A0998240 Abuse (denied vet care, died despite rescue effort )
KEIDITH (dog) (abused, killed)
DIAMOND (dog) (Killed)
POPPY (dog) (abused, killed)
• http://www.examiner.com/article/nyc-animal-care-and-control-is-not-the-aspca
• http://7online.com/archive/7806635/ (Eyewitness News Investigation)
• http://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/Cats-Set-to-be-Adopted-Died-Because-of-Computer-Glitch-Report-162529036.html
• http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=asQX9_9xk2M (Volunteer Speaks at ACC Board Meet)
• http://johnsibley.com/2012/06/24/nycacc-killing-without-apology-pt-1/
• https://kateriviello.wordpress.com/2014/10/05/first-ever-criminal-complaint-filed-against-animal-care-control-ny/ (JACKIE)
• http://observer.com/2013/05/animal-care-volunteers-bite-back/
• http://www.examiner.com/article/senior-cat-killed-by-new-york-city-animal-control-despite-rescuer-s-efforts (DAISY)
• http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/family-devastated-animal-care-control-euthanizes-beloved-dog-article-1.360627
• http://nypost.com/2014/10/05/animal-care-and-control-botching-surgeries-med-care-vets/
• http://nypost.com/2012/07/15/shelter-computer-death-sentence/
• http://nypost.com/2015/03/22/shelter-dogs-being-euthanized-despite-having-owners-lined-up/ (REMY , LADY)
• https://yesbiscuit.wordpress.com/2015/03/24/nyc-shelters-killing-animals-people-are-trying-to-save/
• http://7online.com/archive/7850291/ (Face Book Campaign)
• http://www.animalalliancenyc.org/media/ootc/2011-04/help.htm
• http://www.nathanwinograd.com/?p=6086 (The Anatomy of a Lie June 2, 2011 by Nathan J. Winograd)
• http://www.onegreenplanet.org/animalsandnature/her-name-is-kinchi-an-awakening-to-nycs-forgotten-animals/ (New York City's Dirty Little Secret)
The NYC Dept of Health, responsible for oversight of the NYC ACC Shelters was ordered 15 years ago to build much needed full service shelters in the Bronx and Queens (combined population of 3.72 million), but failed to do so, the animals suffer, and the killing of adoptable animals continues daily. A law enacted more than 10 years ago requires the city to have full-service animal shelters in all boroughs; but it has still failed to build full service shelters in the Bronx and Queens.
• http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/queens/court-ruling-setback-new-york-city-animal-shelter-backers-article-1.113137
• http://www.qgazette.com/news/2015-03-04/Features/Vallones_Bill_For_FullService_Animal_Shelter_In_Qu.html
According to an article published by Maddies Fund in 2003, entitled, "In The Beginning", an interview with Jane Hoffman, President of the Mayor's Alliance, Hoffman states "In December 2002, City Hall and the Mayor's Alliance signed a historic Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). The goal is to create a no-kill city by the year 2008". Fast forward to 2015 and "no- kill" is still no ware in sight, and the killing and incompetence still continues.
• http://www.maddiesfund.org/in-the-beginning-jane-hoffman.htm
The present leadership in NYC (Bill De Blasio), acknowledged the crisis at the NYC ACC, ran on campaign promises of "shelter reform and restructure", promises that he has not fulfilled to date. We should also let it be known that his offices refuse to acknowledge the cries and the pleas of the people of NYC, NYS, the Nation as well as the World, as he continues to ignore this ever worsening crisis.
• http://nypost.com/2014/11/10/cat-lovers-demanding-de-blasio-stops-shelters-from-killing-strays/
• http://shelterreform.org/blog1/2015/02/06/whats-the-buzz-at-nycs-animal-care-control-report-on-the-jan-23-2015-acc-board-meeting/
Of grave concern - is the appointment of Dr. Hara Levin, on January 11, 2014 as Chief Medical Director, with her questionable past history of extensive experience working with research laboratories as a vivisectionist, as well as the past Director of Veterinary Services for the Associated Humane of Newark, NJ (a group of some of the most infamously corrupt shelters in our nation's history).
• http://johnsibley.com/2014/01/11/nycaccs-curious-choice-of-a-medical-director/
The exact method of euthanasia being used at the NYC ACC facilities and exactly who is responsible for administration of these procedures is all very questionable and needs to be fully investigated. According to the American Veterinary Medical Foundation, NYS Code, Mckinney's Consolidated Laws of New York Chapter 69;Article 26, Section 374, NYS Regulation Compilation of Codes, Rules and Regulations of the State of New York 10 NYCRR 80.2 (a)(6) and 80.134. Injection of sodium pentobarbital or sodium pentobarbital solution "must be performed only upon animals that are heavily sedated, anesthetized, or comatose". Intracardiac injection without sedation, anesthesia, or comatose is not allowed where animals are under the care of duly incorporated SPCA, animal shelter, humane society or pound.
• https://www.avma.org/KB/Policies/Documents/euthanasia.pdf
• https://www.avma.org/Advocacy/StateAndLocal/Documents/Euthanasia_Laws.pdf (page 20-21)
• https://www.avma.org/Advocacy/StateAndLocal/Pages/euthanasia-laws.aspx
"Face Book Campaign To Save Animals Set To Die"
EYEWITTENSS NEWS, December 17, 2010 2:23:42 PM PST
By Sarah Wallace
An underground Facebook movement is trying to save animals scheduled to die. An Eyewitness News investigation has been looking into conditions at the City-contracted shelter system, Animal Care and Control. The city's Department of Health, which oversees Animal Care and Control, recently slashed the budget by hundreds of thousands of dollars. Eyewitness News' investigation shows that services and staff have been so severely cut that many animals that are adoptable are being killed.
Advocates are now taking matters into their own hands. "Who's dying here? Good dogs are dying," Kay Smith said. Kay Smith started the underground Facebook page, "Urgent Part 2", in a desperate act to try and save dogs scheduled to die in the City's Animal shelter system. "Last week there was 14 dogs in one day," Smith said.
Animal Care and Control, a non-profit charity contracted by New York City's Department of Health to run three shelters, forbids workers and volunteers from publicly posting information about any animals on the shelter's daily euthanasia list. "They don't want people to know these dogs are being destroyed ever," Smith said. That list goes out nightly only to authorized rescue groups who are overburdened. They have until 6 a.m. the next morning to pull animals out, but they can only do so much. "There are so many dogs who are adoptable," Smith said.
Many of the animals on the euthanasia list are set to die because they supposedly have tempers or are sick, no matter they often come into the shelter healthy and get upper respiratory illnesses from the overcrowded dirty conditions. "Every piece of information I get for my website comes from the emails we get from the AC&C. It's a cut and paste job," Smith said, "What I'm doing on Facebook, they should be doing. "AC&C says it's working on social networking, but it's already cut staff and services, including a call center so people can inquire about adopting. Animal Advocate Esther Koslow blames the city's health department. "The DOH doesn't care about the care of animals, it only cares about control and that's not what the AC&C needs," Koslow said.
• http://7online.com/archive/7850291/
• https://m.facebook.com/PetsOnDeathRow/posts/848547048490462 (Ony's Story)
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