Combat the Republican Attacks on the LGBTQIA+ Community by Supporting the Trans Bill of Rights

In this time when Republican-controlled state legislatures are waging a war against the LGBTQIA+ community, Senator Ed Markey (D-MA) and Representative Pramila Jaypal (WA-07) have introduced the Transgender Bill of Rights, a bill that would take a comprehensive approach to combating these relentless attacks against transgender and nonbinary individuals. Markey emphasized the urgency of this legislation, stating:

"Lives are at stake. The health, safety and freedom of trans people are at stake. Congress must take a stand in the face of dangerous, transphobic attacks waged by far-right state legislatures and once again reaffirm our nation's bedrock commitment to equality and justice for all."

The Trans Bill of Rights would not only codify the rights of transgender and nonbinary individuals across the country, but also expand gender-affirming health care, invest in mental health services specifically for the community, and enhance programs to keep those most vulnerable safe and protected from violence.

It's clear: this will not only directly combat the Republican attacks on the LGBTQIA+ community but also work to build a future country we all want and deserve—a place where everyone is accepted and cared for.

So please, sign on now and urge Congress to pass the Trans Bill of Rights.

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