SPAR Spain: Stop selling eggs from caged hens!

Retailer SPAR refuses to publicly commit to selling exclusively cage-free eggs in Spain.

We, the Spanish NGO Equalia, have published an investigation report exposing the appalling living and dying conditions of the egg-laying hens in an intensive farm which does business with one of SPAR's suppliers: abandoned hens left to die among the other hens, chickens plucked bare with severe injuries and infections, cannibalism, and even eggs festering with larvae and mites!

SPAR is the world's biggest independent retailer chain, with over 1k stores in Spain. Despite having committed to going cage-free in the UK, Denmark, Austria, Slovenia, Croatia and Northeast Italy, SPAR refuses to ratify this commitment in Spain, even when most of the main retailers in Spain have already signed the commitment.

It is time for SPAR to prove its commitment with Animal Welfare and stop selling eggs from caged hens.

We need your support: Sign and share our petition!

Releasing hens from a lifetime in cages is in tune with findings in animal science and the animal welfare demands of consumers. Furthermore, this initiative is aligned with the European Green Pact sustainability framework, the Farm to Table strategy and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Update #13 jaar geleden
International retailer SPAR still refuses to join the cagefree commitment. They don't even consider animal welfare as important as to meet with us and have a serious talk about the awful situation of lifetime-caged laying hens.
On the contrary, they keep selling eggs from caged hens, even though we've shown them how these animals are treated.

Now we need to speak up for those who don't have a voice!

Sign and share to tell SPAR Spain that we do not tolerate nor buy cruelty against animals!
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