After the Wind farm was turned on whales & dolphins have been becoming lost and disoriented when they come anywhere near us it's causing them to beach themselves. Recently a baby blue whale came ashore and a baby humpback, this has to end I fear the Wind farm up and running will cause suffering in all marine life especially the ones who rely on the sonar. Vibrations in the water are far more intense than on land it's been proven to disturb regular farm animals when giving birth the babies are unable to develop correctly either don't live long or are stillborns. Imagine what it's doing to the wildlife in the water. Those vibrations make seeing with sonar impossible and that why they are beaching themselves, getting lost from the group, or the whole group getting lost from their migration path because they cannot see properly. They will see land where the is not and also see more ocean than what's there. Please help marine life and turn off the Wind Turbines! Use water wheels or solar, have every place in town put solar on their roofs. I fear all marine life will leave the new england area.