Ban Octopus Farming in Hawai'i

  • van: Amanda Fox
  • ontvanger: Hawai'i States Representatives and Senators

We the undersigned, petition the Hawai'i state legislature to prohibit octopus farming on land or water. Octopus farming is harmful because of their voracious diets - it would contribute excessive waste to the waterways, and therefore increase instances of Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) which lead beach closures, fishing advisories, major fish kills and bacteria contaminated water. Coral is already in dying all over Hawai'i, as well as our local fish populations. A commercial octopus farm would further decimate local crabs and fish, and negatively impact wild caught octopus fishers. Public officials already closed the octopus research facility due to major concerns, and now we need to go one step further and make it a permanent law so no one targets Hawai'i for this unsustainable and negligent industry. 

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