Urge the Clark County (NV) Commission to Ban Pet Shops from Selling Animals

  • van: Mike Korn
  • ontvanger: Clark County Commissioners Steve Sisolak, Mary Beth Scow, Susan Brager, Chris Giunchigliani, Marilyn Kirkpatrick, Lawrence Weekly, and Larry Brown

UPDATE 2/2: The Clark County Commission met today and although no action was taken, the commission did elect to conduct follow-up discussion and workshops. Commissioner Chris Giunchigliani voiced her support of a full ban, and to make this a reality will be exploring available options with the state legislature. Stay tuned!

"Las Vegas passed the ban with two goals in mind: reducing the number of homeless pets in local shelters and stopping 'puppy mills.'

The Animal Foundation (Las Vegas, NV) took in nearly 34,000 animals in 2015, most of which were dogs and cats. About a quarter of the dogs and two-thirds of the cats were euthanized, according to the foundation's website.

Ban supporters contend that most pet stores buy their animals from puppy mills, which are known for mass-breeding dogs and cats.

The American Society for the Prevention of Animal Cruelty classifies puppy mills as 'large-scale commercial' facilities where profit trumps the animals' well-being. It says the females are bred as often as possible without regard for their health, and the animals often live in overcrowded and unsanitary cages."

Courtesy Las Vegas Review Journal

Dear Clark County (NV) Commission Members:

 We, the undersigned, respectfully request that you carefully review and elect to move forward in banning the retail of animals in Clark County (NV) pet stores. In following the recent ordinance passed by the City of Las Vegas, language should be considered stating pet shops - if they choose to offer pets for retail - MUST be required to "display, sell, deliver, offer for sale, barter, auction, give away, broker or otherwise transfer or dispose of animals (ONLY OBTAINED) from a shelter, rescue or nonprofit humane society (LOCATED WITHIN CLARK COUNTY, NV)."

We believe moving forward with this measure will tremendously release the strain currently experienced by both local government and non-profit animal shelters, as well as greatly decrease the number of homeless animals in our community. 

We thank you for your time and consideration of this matter!


Clark County Citizens & Voters Concerned for the Welfare of Animals

Update #19 jaar geleden
1/27/2016: 5 days left! Please share...thanks!
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