• van: Marta Grgic
  • ontvanger: Gouvernments, people, Europe, everyone who can help

Serbia has declared a nationwide flood emergency, many cities and villages in Serbia are flooded, hole cities are under water. It's an ecological catastrophe. People are in danger, they lost their houses, they are without food or water, waiting to be saved. But there are not enough boats and saviours can't aproach to them.
-If you are in situation that you can donate, please do it. Even smallest donations are very significant and helpful. We will need a lot of support when this catastrophe ends to renew everithing, the damage is very big. Thank you for signing, supporting and your solicitude.

Lots of bridges are ruined

Serbia has declared a nationwide flood emergency, many cities and villages in Serbia are flooded, hole cities are under water. It's an ecological catastrophe. People are in danger, they lost their houses, they are without food or water, waiting to be saved. But there are not enough boats and saviours can't aproach to them. Please help, its urgent!

Update #310 jaar geleden
You can donate via PayPal
Update #210 jaar geleden
Update #110 jaar geleden
We are expecting even more floods, larger rivers water level is increasing. Many people are still in danger waiting to be evacuated, they are trapped on roofs, in appartments, houses. There are every few minutes calls for help.
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