Native america it is time

We learn from native america the culture that the creator made his creation in beautifulness and strength. The people outside the culture are damaging all this. Precious wildlife made by the creator such as the american wolf is being removed from the earth. Entirely by people outside the culture. We need the one back that can be as kuwanlelenta ; he who creates a beautiful environment. We call upon the native american to care for his and her relation wolf again.

Update #310 jaar geleden
we mactire have sent messages to several conservation-groups such as defenders for wildlive. Sofar we have had no respons. We also have sent e-mails to the editors of newspapers in idaho. This will be continued when our volunteers are back from their holiday. We are having contact with dutch members of parlement to step into the case of the Idaho-wolf for obtaining a breakthrough in the sur-place situation for brother wolf there.
Update #210 jaar geleden
With other petitions about wolves we have already gathered more than 7000 signatures.
Please follow the suggestion from the update so that you are able to click on the other petitions about wolves as well.
Update #110 jaar geleden
You can also go to the petition with the title Natural Care for our Icon brother wolf america
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