Convict the cop who killed Sonya Massey after she called 911 for help!

In a far-too familiar tale of police violence in America, 36-year-old Sonya Massey was shot and killed by the police in her own home after SHE called the cops for help.

Massey thought she heard a prowler outside of her home and called the police for help. Deputy Sean Grayson arrives on the scene and immediately become hostile with the woman after she picks up a pot of boiling water that was on the stove. After they tell her to put it down, she says "I rebuke you in the name of Jesus" — to which Grayson replies ""You better f**king not or I swear to God I'll f**king shoot you in the f**king face." Protect and serve, right?

Lock Deputy Sean Grayson up for good!

He soon shot her in the head, apparently threatened by the pot of water. "Dude, I'm not taking f**king boiling water to the f**king head. And look, it came right to our feet, too," said Grayson, caught on bodycam.

Deputy Grayson showed no respect for human life and clearly felt that he was empowered to kill at a moment's notice for any reason. Such a man should never have been on any police force — and indeed, he'd cycled through SIX different police jobs before ending up in Sangamon County, Illinois — and he must pay the price for murdering an innocent woman who called HIM for help.

Convict the cop who killed Sonya Massey after she called 911 for help!

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