Stop the NV coyote killing tournament!

2/3/15 UPDATE: The signed petition has been forwarded to Gov. Sandoval and members of the NV Dept. of Wildlife. Thank you!

Killing as part of a ‘contest’ or ‘tournament’ is ethically indefensible, ecologically reckless, and should result in new legislation. These 'contests' support no scientific basis. Similar events have recently been banned by the state of California. It's time to ban them in Nevada!

Read KOLO 8 News Now's "Coyote Killing Tournament Controversy" here!

Dear Governor Sandoval, Director Wasley, Deputy Director Cates, Deputy Director Haskins, Chairman Drew, and board members of the Nevada Wildlife Commission:

 Killing as part of a ‘contest’ or ‘tournament’ is ethically indefensible, ecologically reckless, and should result in new legislation. These 'contests' support no scientific basis. Similar events have recently been banned by the state of California. It's time to ban them in Nevada! We respectfully request that you carefully review this issue during the 78th (2015) Nevada legislature and reconsider its commencement. Thank you for your time.


Citizens and Voters Concerned for the Welfare of Wildlife

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