Demand City Council Informs Residents About Cat Traps

An Alabama woman named Diana Rohe loved her ten-year-old timid Maine Coon, Kiki, who she raised since kittenhood. So when Kiki went missing, Rohe looked tirelessly for her.

But Rohe didn't know that her neighbor had requested humane traps from the Foley Police to be put on their property to trap nuisance cats disturbing the garbage cans. Rohe didn't even know that those humane traps existed.

Kiki had been caught in one of those traps, and the police took her to an animal shelter. Her lack of a collar and "erratic" feral behavior put Kiki in the unadoptable category, and the shelter put her down. Kiki wasn't a feral and she wasn't erratic -- she was just terrified.

When Rohe learned what happened to Kiki, she was mortified. City Council members and the police department were too, and they are looking for better ways of informing residents about the humane traps.

Help spare other animal guardians the pain of losing their companions by signing and sharing this petition urging Foley's City Council to make the necessary changes to inform residents about the humane traps. Diana Rohe can never forget Kiki -- don't let Foley's City Council members forget Kiki's story either.

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