Hoʻoulu lōkahi: Empower charter school children of Hawaiʻi

  • van: Halau Lokahi
  • ontvanger: Hawaii State Public Charter School Commission, Hawaii State Governor, Hawaii Board of Education

Issue at hand:

Continuation of successful operations at Hālau Lōkahi Public Charter School.

Why this issue is important: 

The continuation of Hālau Lōkahi PCS is imperative to the education of Hawaiiʻs children. Schools of choice provide smaller, comfortable learning environments. Hālau Lōkahi PCS provides a viable choice of quality public education.

Hālau Lōkahi PCS allows for diverse approaches, choice in education promoting native culture, traditions, keeping things alive, preparing green jobs and teaching towards a sustainable future.

Why you should sign this petition:

Signing this petition would ensure schools of choice remain as educational opportunities that are culturally grounded, sound, and have the best interest of the children at heart.

Because of the positive impact Hālau Lōkahi PCS has made, ultimately benefiting the students, parents and community, the school should remain open in order to provide this viable choice of quality public education.

We are asking everyone to kūkulu kumuhana (pull our strengths in prayer and action) by signing and sharing this petition in support of Hālau Lōkahi PCS. Your efforts to help promote this indigenous program by helping to recruit new families is essential to the longevity of the school. We need the numbers to make it work. Encourage your friends and family to enroll at Hālau Lōkahi PCS. Your children will be in good hands. Mahalo nui!

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