Save splash mountain at Disneyland resort for song of the south!

cancelled Retheme splash mountain at Disneyland resort Anaheim California USA !

it's not about me it's about saving splash mountain at Disneyland without being retheme in the future!



Just because Tiana is still a princess doesn't mean she can have anything! Splash mountain is not for sale at Disneyland resort their here to say and that's what Disney Magic is really about in the past , present , and the future! #addtoyourbucketlist for #downwithjoshdamaro #SaveSplashMountain #downwithcarmensmith #downwithcharitacarter #downwithjimmyhunt #downwithalexo #downwithfredrickchambers

#savecrittercountry#fightforyourrights #pleasesignthepetitionnow to #stoptherethemeattactionatdisneyland

All participants democrats and republicans should have the chance sign the petition to save splash mountain and critter country at Disneyland resort for song of the south and Winnie the Pooh indefinitely in the future!

all Disney Parks , Care2 and give a settlement agreement to this #SaveSplashMountain at Disneyland resort petition for Song of the South , everyone's #childhoodmemories will be removed from the Walt Disney company all because of their Disney+ ruining everything . And I called all #splashmountainfans and USCongressionalWatch too join me indefinitely!

Join the fight 
Please sign this petition today

Update #52 jaar geleden
all #democratsandrepublicans must take a chance too! #signthispetition to #SaveSplashMountain and #savecrittercountry at Disneyland resort !
Update #43 jaar geleden
Not only Disney white adults and children are getting upset, Disney black adults and children are upset too! #bierrabbitisblack and #blackandwhitematters #savesplashmountain !
Update #32 jaar geleden
Zip a dee doo dah means
An exclamation of happiness
Update #23 jaar geleden
The story of Princess and the Frog shouldn’t have to move into Splash Mountain; it deserves its own elaborate show building and ride, with brand-new figures and a story worthy of its voyage through the bayou. #savesplashmountain2022
Update #12 jaar geleden
#leavesplashmountainaloneorelse we’re not quitting just yet !
petitie tekenen
petitie tekenen


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