HERE WE GO AGAIN!!! PIG SCRAMBLE at the Westmorland Fair!
Please send an email to Mayor Gerald (Jerry) Gogan and Village Councillors at immediately Phone: (506) 756-3140
Please also send your email to the Westmorland County Fair organizers at Phone: (506) 756-8149
They will pay more attention to the emails, but please also sign this petition to let them know that you take animal abuse seriously and do not want it to continue.
Suggested email:
HERE WE GO AGAIN!!! PIG SCRAMBLE at the Westmorland Fair!
Mayor Gerald (Jerry) Gogan, Village Councillors, and Fair Organizers,
The pig scramble is not advertisement for your village, it is a form of animal abuse and should be an embarrassment for the Mayor and city council.
It took ' STOP ANIMAL CRUELTY IN NB " 4 years to get you to stop this senseless entertainment but after two years you resumed this event. We are living in the 21st century and that this type of activity is completely unacceptable to most people. You are now the only fair in NB offering a PIG SCRAMBLE.
The pig scramble involves 10 to 15 children at once chasing the smallest little piglets, running after them, grabbing them by whatever they can get a hold on, stuffing the babies into sacks, and dragging them through the arena to get back to the point where they started this senseless and cruel game. Terrorizing baby pigs is not fun nor is it entertainment.
This is a form of animal cruelty. It is very stressful and terrifying for these little piglets and could lead to overheating and heart attack or injuries.
The Canadian Veterinarian Medical Association has made it very clear that animals should not be forced to perform actions resulting in physical or behavioural signs of distress or discomfort.
Dr. Temple Grandine, an expert in livestock handling at Colorado State University says that forcing pigs into a highly novel environment can be very stressful, they can overheat, could have a stroke and could die.
Any reputable animal welfare group, veterinarian and indeed, any person with a reasonable amount of empathy would tell you that these events cause fear, stress, and undue pain to these docile creatures. In short, the pig scramble is clearly abuse.
In addition to the effect upon the non-human animals involved, think, for a moment what effect it has on the children who watch and/or partake in it. In every interaction with animals, we teach our children what is and is not okay. The pig scramble teaches the wrong lesson. This teaches children that it is not only okay to manhandle animals, to chase them, terrorize them, and hurt them, but that it is funny. Teaching children that animal abuse is okay is not acceptable in our present day society.
Perhaps in the future, fun activities for children that do not involve the use and abuse of animals could be organized.
Please immediately stop the pig scramble.
your name
HERE WE GO AGAIN!!! PIG SCRAMBLE at the Westmorland Fair August 2015!
Mayor Gerald (Jerry) Gogan, Village Councillors, and Fair Organizers,
The pig scramble is not advertisement for your village, it is a form of animal abuse and should be an embarrassment for the Mayor and city council.
It took ' STOP ANIMAL CRUELTY IN NB " 4 years to get you to stop this senseless entertainment but after two years you resumed this event. We are living in the 21st century and that this type of activity is completely unacceptable to most people. You are now the only fair in NB offering a PIG SCRAMBLE.
The pig scramble involves 10 to 15 children at once chasing the smallest little piglets, running after them, grabbing them by whatever they can get a hold on, stuffing the babies into sacks, and dragging them through the arena to get back to the point where they started this senseless and cruel game. Terrorizing baby pigs is not fun nor is it entertainment.
This is a form of animal cruelty. It is very stressful and terrifying for these little piglets and could lead to overheating and heart attack or injuries.
The Canadian Veterinarian Medical Association has made it very clear that animals should not be forced to perform actions resulting in physical or behavioural signs of distress or discomfort.
Dr. Temple Grandine, an expert in livestock handling at Colorado State University says that forcing pigs into a highly novel environment can be very stressful, they can overheat, could have a stroke and could die.
Any reputable animal welfare group, veterinarian and indeed, any person with a reasonable amount of empathy would tell you that these events cause fear, stress, and undue pain to these docile creatures. In short, the pig scramble is clearly abuse.
In addition to the effect upon the non-human animals involved, think, for a moment what effect it has on the children who watch and/or partake in it. In every interaction with animals, we teach our children what is and is not okay. The pig scramble teaches the wrong lesson. This teaches children that it is not only okay to manhandle animals, to chase them, terrorize them, and hurt them, but that it is funny. Teaching children that animal abuse is okay is not acceptable in our present day society.
Perhaps in the future, fun activities for children that do not involve the use and abuse of animals could be organized.
Please immediately stop the pig scramble.
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