Rodeo is a dangerous and brutal activity and should not be sponsored and presented here in Vermont!
From the press release (Times Argus; June 20, 2018): Thunder Road will host the Rawhide Rodeo Tour on Saturday, Oct. 6 and Sunday, Oct. 7. The inaugural Barre Pro Rodeo will be sponsored by Lenny's Shoe & Apparel and presented in partnership with WDEV Radio and WOKO.
Rodeo causes the injuries and deaths of many animals every year. This summer, four horses died or had to be euthanized. These horses died in New Jersey, Wyoming, California, and Texas rodeos. However, not all animal deaths are made public. And injuries seldom make the news.
Calf roping is the most abusive of the rodeo events. The unseen wounds to the neck and underlying blood vessels and tissues are only seen on autopsy or at the slaughterhouse. Unfortunately, these wounds never get a chance to heal because the calves are used over and over again in subsequent rodeos.
Competitors have to practice. The calves purchased for practice are used over and over and over until they are too injured to continue. Some die. Meat inspectors who process the injured calves describe broken bones, damaged internal organs, broken blood vessels, large accumulations of blood internally and ruptured ligamentum nuchae - the ligament that holds the head to the body.
Horses and bulls are put at risk for injury because the flank strap and spurs force the animal to buck beyond the usual playful buck in the pasture. The flank strap is an irritant that stresses the animal and the spurs cause pain. This combination resembles an attack by a predator which increases the fear to the horse and bull. The extreme bucking puts the animal at risk for leg and back fractures.
In steer wrestling, the rider jumps on the steer's neck/head and twists the neck to force the animal to lie down with all four feet extended. The extreme twisting of the head results in damage to the underlying tissues in the neck including the ligamentum nuchae. And sometimes the steer's neck is broken, as well.
Animals have to be transported from rodeo to rodeo. Often the ride is in sweltering heat and the animals have no water. Occasionally an animal is trampled and is either injured or has to be euthanized.
Some rodeos have "mutton busting" contests. Children as young as four years ride sheep. A child almost died after ingesting E. coli from arena dirt. Some of these little kids are seen crying as they are removed from the sheep. These children do not seem to have enjoyed their rodeo experience.
"Rodeo is, by its very nature, inhumane and, therefore, cannot be made humane. While the premise is to present horse- and cattle-busting skills as entertainment, it is only entertaining to those individuals who enjoy seeing animals in severe discomfort; and for the animals themselves, it is nothing less than torture."
Please sign this petition telling Thunder Road you do not approve of having this rodeo in Barre, this coming October, or ever.
Thunder Road, I request that on behalf of the animals, you cancel the Rawhide Rodeo scheduled for October 5 and 6th at your facility. These animals are cruelly treated, suffer injury and sometimes death. Better ways can be spent at your facilities than showcasing brutality.
(photo used under fair use for educational purposes)
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