Save 6M acres of Florida wetlands from destruction

  • van: Ellen Fishel
  • ontvanger: Rick Scott DEP Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

It was just published today in the paper that the Trump Administration is looking into developing 6 million acres of Florida wetlands for commercial development. This came about after a huge rollback in environmental regulations, which will cause half of Florida wetlands to lose federal protection.

This will destroy not only the delicate environment of the Everglades, but also the precious water supply that is so desperately needed here.

The Everglades are already in danger because of development 30 years ago!!! Scientists are trying to restore the Everglades! It can never go back to its original state. We seem to always overlook our precious environment, our beautiful planet as $$$ always seem to be at the forefront!!  

I am saddened to think our government would even think of destroying such a delicate ecosystem and all the animals and wildlife who live there. What are we leaving for future generations?  We already have red tide here in part due to contaminated water that is feeding this bloom. What happens when the Everglades are turned upside down???

I would like to see this stopped and legislation passed that cannot be turned over by ANYONE to save the Wetlands. Please sign the petition to demand that the Trump administration and the Environmental Protection Agency REVERSE this rule change, and to demand that Congress pass laws to protect this precious land, once and for all!

Update #16 jaar geleden
Thank you for all the support. It is heartwarming to see the number of supporters. I am hoping to receive 100k signatures or MORE!!! I have contacted local news media and awaiting response. My next step is to make a personal presentation. This is a powerful petition to preserve the environment of the beautiful state of Florida!!! Lets keep the numbers of signatures growing!!!
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