Stop Albufeira Câmara (council) from supporting weekly bullfights

  • van: Su Davis
  • ontvanger: Albufeira Câmara (council) Portugal
Most Portuguese people abhor bullfighting and feel it has no place in a modern progressive and civilized country but Albufeira council still allow this barbaric practice to take place, whilst unsuspecting tourists can be duped into parting with their money with misleading advertising and encouraged to bring their families, including children, to watch an animal being tortured. The promoters proudly boast the "the bull is not killed." Sadly, instead, the bull dies slowly, in great pain, often with infected wounds, some days later. Many families, (English and Irish included) have left the bullring in distress, having misunderstood what they would witness with the memories, especially the children's, of their holiday in Albufeira having been completely soured by this experience. The bullring it's self is a huge venue, ideal for all sorts of genuine cultural entertainments that do not involve torture. Think again Albufeira Câmara, stop shaming Portugal in this way. Put an end to animal torture.
Update #47 jaar geleden
PLEASE EMAIL NOW! Tell the Câmara why you’re against bull fighting, ask them to stop supporting it. I'm sending all your wonderful comments to the President. On Monday 25th we will be there with our banners asking for them to respond. The campaign is now huge but every email counts - no abusive language though, many employees there support us Together we can make a change
Update #37 jaar geleden
YOUR TURN TO HELP. Please email Albufeira Câmara ON SATURDAY or SUNDAY (23 & 24 Sept GMT) to ask why they support bull fights: On Monday we'll protest outside the Câmara with press and the candidate for PAN (people, animals, nature – local elections here soon) and we will demand to know why they allow bull fights here. Together we can stop this cruel, barbaric torture
Update #27 jaar geleden
NOW YOU CAN PUT THE PRESSURE ON by joining us to bombard the Câmara with emails on 23nd & 24th. Sept. (GMT) to ask why Bull fighting continues. We have written letters too and we're liaising with local press. There are elections in October for the Presidency of the Câmara and results in previous elections have been very close, so candidates, who believe that animals, including bulls, have rights, can capitalize on our action to help their campaigns. Email addresses coming soon in the next update
Update #17 jaar geleden
Thank you so much for your signatures and wonderful comments, that will be emailed to the council shortly. There have been some great protesting initiatives taking place here recently and to keep up the momentum I have one in mind that you can all take part in - look out for details next week, of how you can help. In the meantime please share this petition with as many people as possible. I shall think of you when I stand with my fellow protesters outside the next bull fight on Friday.
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