Help us change the Hanahan city ordinance, Sec. 6-3. - Keeping of certain animals—Prohibited, that prohibits keeping backyard hens.
Small-scale hen keeping is a healthy, economic, and sustainable way to feed and enrich our families and our community. Besides making great pets, hens provide us with fresh eggs and encourage local sustainable living. The ability to raise hens also offers educational opportunities for our children.
Besides the benefits of fresh eggs, hens serve as a natural alternative to pesticides by eating bugs, insects, their larvae, including fleas and disease-spreading ticks. Hens also eat weeds, which eliminates the use of toxic weed killer, and their manure serves as an excellent, organic fertilizer for lawns and gardens
To clarify some myths about hens, they are not noisy, messy or spread disease! A clucking hen (60-65 decibels) is much quieter than a barking dog (95 decibels). Hens even produce less manure than an average dog. A flock of 4 hens produces 1.5 ounces of manure per day, while a dog produces about 1 lb per day. Not to mention, when a hen's poop is composted, it makes wonderful nitrogen-rich fertilizer for a garden.
Any kept, neglected animals, whether they are livestock or domestic animals can and will lead to filth when not receiving proper care. Like with any pet, schedule time for cleaning and maintenance of the hens' coop.
Backyard hens provide many benefits, which is why across the country, urban and suburban areas are allowing small backyard flocks of hens. Major cities allowing hens as pets include New York City, Chicago, Los Angeles, Miami, Austin, and Baltimore.
In January 2015 Berkeley County Council passed an ordinance allowing property owners to keep a number of hens in residential zones. Even surrounding cities like North Charleston and Mount Pleasant allow hens.
As the Hanahan ordinance Sec. 6-3 is written, hens are not allowed. We ask that you consider changing the ordinance to allow backyard hens (no roosters) within the city limits with reasonable restrictions similar to other surrounding communities like North Charleston, Mount Pleasant, Sullivans Island and James Island.
If you are a citizen of Hanahan, PLEASE take a moment to email our city council members today! They are counting the amount of emails they receive on this topic to influence their decision.
Mayor Rainwater; and to
Visit our Facebook Blog page Hens for Hanahan (@hensforhanahan) for more information, pictures and videos. You can email any questions or concerns to
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