Protect Libraries and the Libby App from Devastating Budget Cuts!

Libraries are one of the most meaningful and loved public spaces in any community! They serve as vital resources for people of all ages, providing educational programs, internet access, and activity spaces to everyone who walks through the door.

The Trump administration's Executive Order of March 14th proposes funding cuts for the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) that threaten equal access to these vital resources. Public, academic, school and research libraries could all be negatively affected by this careless defunding. 

Communities in rural and underserved areas would be hit the hardest, as libraries often serve as a primary source for job searches, literacy programs, and educational support. Every day, countless individuals rely on their local libraries to find employment opportunities, finish schoolwork, and stay connected in a society that increasingly requires digital participation.

IMLS funding is also used for the popular Libby app, which allows library users across the nation to borrow ebooks, audiobooks, and magazines.

We urge lawmakers to protect IMLS funding and ensure that libraries continue to serve as guardians of knowledge and providers of opportunity for all.

Stand up for libraries and digital access. Tell the Trump administration to leave our libraries alone!

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